League News


Great News!

Today the province announced that sports can resume full games starting February 14! With this announcement will come many changes. We can tell you that both CMHF and DDRL will resume very soon, so please be prepared for games starting next week. 
The schedule will be modified and some practice times will also be used as game times.  Exact schedules and  information will be released as soon as we receive it, but we know that there will be lots of moving parts and we ask for your patience during this time.
The Province also announced that spectators will be allowed in the rinks at a 50% capacity, however that is up to individual venues and we are awaiting further details before we can share them with you. 
Bottom line is we will finally have a short hockey season starting next week!  Please stay tuned as we take our direction from Public Health and HNS.
Thank you
Phil and the DWMHA Board
Feb 9, 2022

Provincial Regulations Changing February 7th

Whalers Families,
Beginning Monday, February 7th, provincial restrictions are changing:
 “Sports practices and rehearsals for arts and culture performances can have up to 25 people indoors and 50 outdoors. They cannot have multiple groups, games or performances. Spectators are still not permitted.”
Thank you for all of your support in following the regulations to date, it has helped make this happen.
See you at the rink!!
Feb 4, 2022

President’s Message Feb. 2/22

Good day Whalers families.

Just wanted to give you a quick update as it looks like there may be some light at the end of this Covid tunnel!   We are very hopeful that on February 14th the Province will lift sport restrictions.  I hope that we can get back to full practices and games, although I'm hearing that spectators will still not be allowed if this decision is made.  I wanted to touch base on a few things that have come up.


1 - DWMHA is lobbying to have the season continue.  Normally we are in playoffs toward mid to late February, we would like to have approx six weeks of games before the season ends.  There are no definite dates at this time, but believe it is best for all participants to have their games continue vs. cutting the season short.  This means that ice times may be changed for practices etc.  More information will be made available as it is available. 


2 - Central Minor has stated that games will resume as soon as Public Health allows.  Currently we don't know the exact format, but it is looking like approximately 6 weeks of games could be resumed if HNS and Public Health allow it.   Recreation leagues will also resume to GAMES on the 15th if approved and for the U9 group we are looking to have half ice games implemented as well.  We feel it is crucial for development and fun to have the kids play games and have somewhat of a season!


3 - Distribution of ice times.  Ice times for practice over the most recent shut down have been the same.  No teams were afforded more or less practices. Some teams had decided to forgo some practices over the Christmas break, If you saw other teams practicing more it was because they may have obtained more ice time from their individual team budgets.   This has been quite a feat to try and get teams that would normally practice together but had to be split due to numbers etc. We can assure you that no teams are being favoured or disadvantaged. 


4 - Development sessions (including outside guests).  I'm waiting to hear back from HNS on this as there was a HNS call last night (Our TD sent out an update and hit all the key points) but there is some confusion on the topic of outside guests / development sessions.  I'll update you as soon as we get clarification). 


5 - Spring Hockey. At this time HNS is not approving any sessions until the restrictions change.  As soon as we know we will pass it on.  Please note that if you are contemplating private spring hockey that the season may be extended so keep that in mind.  The Whalers will be hosting a spring hockey 4 on 4  that will be announced once Public Health gives us a timeline.


6 - Development of players.  I know the past two seasons have not been easy for any of us.  I am hearing from parents in regards to U9 (and others) that have not had the opportunity to play games / try positions etc or get fully developed.  This is something we as an organization will be carefully looking into and gathering valuable input and data before any decisions are made.


I want to take this opportunity again to thank you all for everything you are doing.  It takes a community to come together and do what we are doing! I want you to know that the entire board and myself say THANK YOU!


Keep our heads and spirits up as we are almost through this.

STAY POSITIVE and test negative :-)


Phil Power
Dartmouth Whalers Minor Hockey Association (DWMHA)
Feb 2, 2022

Covid Update

Good evening Whalers families


First, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for some valuable feedback.  We have listened to your concerns andwould like to apologize if some parents have not been part of the communication process.  The board is having a team managers / coaches / safety rep meeting on Tuesday, and I will ensure that all further information solicited in respect to any further team decision making.   We are all in this crazy storm together (as our safety manager said, "we are all in the same storm, just not all in the same boat" J). I am confident that the DWMHA has some of the top safety protocols in place and we are following the direction of Public Health and our governing body, Hockey Nova Scotia.


would like to clarify the following points.



1. Masks are to be always worn in the building and in the change room…Masks are to be taken off ONLY when immediately putting your helmet on and immediately leaving the dressing room to get onto the ice surface.


2. Any coach who is roster on more than one team MUST always wear a mask, no exceptions. 


3. If a coach must interact with a child within 6 feet, they should “mask up” and then have the interaction.


4. No player can enter the building until the two deep persons have arrived.  Coaches and or safety rep / manager will arrive 20 minutes before the ice time.


5. Players are to arrive no sooner then 15 minutes before ice time.  Please have your child refrain from waiting outside with other players.  If they must wait outside, they must be with their GROUP ONLY.


6. Players are to come as dressed as possible.  For U11 and up at a minimum bottom gear, for U9 and U7 should be full gear including skates. As a point of clarity, there will be no skate tying by coaches.  


7. No spectators whatsoever.


8. Safety rep and/or team manager are to send out the listed groupings (2 groups of 8 players and 2 coaches per team (If there are a full 17 players attending then one coach may have to be omitted.  The player to coach ratio will be decided by the head coach)


9. These groupings cannot change during the next ten days.  


10. Safety rep and/or team manager must be present at each session and direct players to their dressing rooms.  Thesafety rep and/or team manager is permitted to stay in the rink to ensure safety protocols and available should they need to help a sick or injured player.


11. Bathroom breaks:  please make sure parents get their children to use the washroom at the very last minute before leaving and getting dressed as possible.  


12. Coaches will help goalies get gear on if need be...it would be much appreciated if they can come as fully dressed as much as possible.


13. DWMHA players cannot intermix groups for DWMHA ice times.  
Private ice times are not under the purview of the DWMHA, but if rented cannot be under DWMHA or the team name.


14. For recreational teams (normally where two full teams are sharing the ice 1.5 hour practice times). The ice time will be split into TWO 40-minute sessions, 1 session for 1 team and the other session for the other team.


15. Any positive covid cases on a DWMHA rostered team, the team Safety Representative or manager must be notified immediately, who then notifies the DWMHA Safety Representative (Melissa Ruginski).


16. Any cancellation of ice due to COVID-19 must be requested through our ice scheduler, Deanette Williamson.


17. If looking for coaching assistanceour Technical Director, Bill Short, can be contacted. 



In closing, thank you again for your continued support.  We want to get back to normal, and are doing our absolute best to provide a safe practice environment until Public Health states we can get back to normal programming.


NOTE - If you are looking for contact information or general information, just click this link to be brought to our website -  https://whalers.org


Thank you 




Phil Power


DWMHA Board of Directors




Jan 4, 2022

Hockey Nova Scotia Provincial Update


Good evening everyone,
With COVID-19 case numbers on the rise in Nova Scotia, the province announced today that restrictions on physical distancing and gathering limits are returning over the next few weeks.
Starting at 9 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, and lasting until at least the new year, the following restrictions impacting hockey will be in place:
  • spectators are limited to 50 per cent of a facility’s capacity; spectator limits are also capped at a maximum of 150 people
  • a limit of 60 participants indoors and outdoors applies to sports practices, games, and regular league play; physical distancing is not required
  • tournaments are not allowed
  • children age 11 and younger continue to be restricted from entering Nova Scotia to participate in sports and are also restricted from participating in them outside Nova Scotia
There are also new recommendations for close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases, including those who are fully-vaccinated. We detail those below.
We have clarified with Public Health that regular league play refers to the current league that your team is playing in. This includes provincial leagues.
On the ice, masks are not required during practices, training sessions, and games. Off the ice, masks are required everywhere (especially in the dressing room).
It is extremely important that you continue to wear your mask when you are not on the ice.
Please note that coaches and instructors who work with more than one group must wear a mask at all times while inside the facility (including while on the ice).
As a result of the recent outbreak in Nova Scotia, all close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases, including those who are fully-vaccinated, now need to isolate until they have a negative result from a lab-based (PCR) test. The lab test should be performed at least 72 hours after the exposure.
In a hockey context, if two teams play a game within 48 hours of a positive exposure involving a player or coach on either team (meaning a player or coach on one of the teams tests positive for COVID-19 within 48 hours of the game), both teams (as well as the officials) would be considered close contacts. We recognize this is not spelled out clearly on the Public Health website but we have worked with Public Health to determine that this is what they mean.
Due to increased testing and rising positive cases, we are aware that Public Health may be delayed when it comes to reaching out to close contacts. We have seen examples of hockey associations and teams being proactive and abundantly cautious in terms of pausing activities after potential exposures. We commend these groups for prioritizing the safety of their members and wider communities.
For more information on what to do if you are a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case, please click here.
If you have any questions about any of this or about a potential exposure, we encourage you to continue to follow the communication flow in the Rebound Plan 2.0.
To help curb the spread of COVID-19, Public Health is also strongly recommending regular rapid testing for all Nova Scotians. Learn more here.
Dr. Strang will be meeting with the sport sector tomorrow. We will take part in those discussions and will pass along any updates that come out of that meeting.
For now, please continue to be vigilant. It is vital that we do not become complacent. Please continue to wear your mask in the dressing room and everywhere else in the arena when you are not on the ice. Wash your hands often. Do not come to the rink if you are feeling unwell. Follow the Rebound Plan 2.0.
Thank you for all that you do for hockey.
Amy Walsh
Executive Director
Hockey Nova Scotia
Arnie Farrell
Hockey Nova Scotia
Garreth MacDonald
Communications & Special Events Director
Hockey Nova Scotia
Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0M1


Dec 15, 2021

Whalers Against Racism

Whalers Against Racism


Dartmouth Whalers Minor Hockey Association stands behind the Halifax Hawks and agree there is no place for racism in hockey or in our society. We as an association want to show our support to Halifax and to any of our members who have been on the receiving end of discrimination.
To show our support and to help combat racism in our sport, we will be having Whalers Against Racism helmet stickers printed this week that will be provided to all Dartmouth Whalers members and distributed to each team.
Also this week while we work on distributing stickers, we are asking all teams to show their support by players taping their stick this week with red hockey tape. We ask that parents and coaches take this opportunity to talk about the importance of combating racism with our players, educating our youth is an important step in removing it.
If you hear a racist or discriminatory comment on or off the ice, speak up.
Call it out.
Report it.
It does not belong in hockey and it does not belong in our society
Dartmouth Whalers Executive Board
Dec 3, 2021